Natural Mosquito Repellent Wristband

X3 Band

X3 Band is my way of sharing my findings and creating a non toxic natural mosquito repellent, for families all over the world to keep mosquitoes at bay for up to 120 hours ! It is a family’s effort for all the families out there who enjoy outdoor fun without having to worry about annoying mosquito bites .

My only advice is to stay away from DEET based mosquito lotions or sprays as DEET, a harsh chemical causes allergies with prolonged use. Not only is it ineffective, as it requires constant re-application, the effect only last for 2 to 3 hours at most.

There is also the inherent risk of allergies caused by the chemicals when we constantly apply the lotions or sprays onto our skin. There are many instances when the user suffer from severe allergies caused by DEET thinking that it is safe to use since it is sold off the shelf !!!

My point is, is it worth going through all the hassle ?

Why not go the natural route, which is not only safe, but, cost effective !

I have been taking the natural route for some time now and I find it to be the best investments I have ever made for my family and I.

Go over to this site and you will learn more there:

Learn How X3 Band get started ?
Are you still searching for the best natural mosquito repllent ? Check this out.

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